Welcome to Nordic Junior Competitions in Jyväskylä

The Nordic Junior Competitions 2023 will be held in Jyväskylä, Finland. Competitions will take place between 17th and 19th February 2023. Jyväskylä is located in Central Finland about 269km north from Helsinki. The Nordic Junior Competitions will be organized by two local clubs Ski Jyväskylä and Jyväskylän Hiihtoseura. The venue of the competitions is the legendery Laajavuori Ski Center. We warmly welcome you to Jyväskylä! See you in February! The Preliminary entries open friday 16th of December 2022, entry form and more competition info can be found when scrolling down this page.
Friday 17th
Cross country skiing sprint competitions
Ski jumping individual competitions
Nordic combined individual competitions
Ski jumping team competitions
Nordic combined team sprint competition (jumping)
Saturday 18th
Cross country skiing individual competitions (5k women and 10k men
Nordic combined team sprint competition (skiing)
Sunday 19th
Cross country skiing relays (3 x 3k women and 3 x 5k men)
Download the updated full schedule
Please notice! The Sk Jumping schedule has changed
all SJ and NC ski jumping is on Friday.
Invitation and team info
Cross Country start lists
are on the event page.
The organizing committee places athletes and other team members at Scandic Laajavuori.
Read more about the
City of Jyväskylä www.visitjyvaskyla.fi/en

Team Info booklet, Invitation
and rules
Info booklet for Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined
Info booklet for Cross Country Skiing
Link for Team Captains’ meeting
Organizing Committee
Cross Country Skiing: Ski Jyväskylä,
Teemu Vesala, teemu.vesala@skijyvaskyla.fi, +358 50 522 2664
Ski Jumping and combined: Jyväskylän Hiihtoseura,
Teemu Keränen, teemu.keranen@elisanet.fi, +358 50 327 7177